
If you want something badly enough, you will try to make it happen. Will you succeed? Our problem with underachievement is not usually a lack of knowledge or our circumstances, but rather our inability to focus.
A street lamp is considered harmless but useful — it can light up an entire cul-de-sac. Similar power focused tightly in the form of a laser can burn through steel. Same energy – different priority.

In order to make progress in an area that is difficult… we must say Yes to one thing and No to many other things. The point of having a specific direction in your life is to help you prioritize, set goals and stick to them. We often need help to get clear on what we want, to prioritize, to focus our energy, and persevere to the finish line. Are you showering everything with your limited light or are you focusing so that you can make an impact?

Positive Images

The mind cannot form a negative image of a physical idea. You cannot picture the idea “stop eating,” for example. Instead, your mind will envision a person who is eating. You can picture positive things — a fit person or a cool car or sitting on the beach because your business is doing so well.

It is crucial to want something to the degree that you can see it, taste it, smell it before it even exists. Crystallize it in your mind as a real thing. This is not some etheral visualization technique by which you ‘manifest’ something that doesn’t exist, thereby making it real. No, this is what successful people do when they plan — they form a vision of the future that is tangible —  something that matters to them — and they make it so clear that it drives lesser distractions out of the way. They focus. They go all in.