Turn the Page

Process savant and SW geek ISO customer value zealots for LTR.

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”

I like that quote most of the time. It’s one of those phrases you like to tell others to get the laugh but you never want to hear it yourself.

See, I enjoy the illusion of control — the idea that I’m steering my own ship and responsible for all significant outcomes in my world. Anyone who’s been on the planet for more than a few years knows this is completely bogus. It remains a popular fantasy nonetheless, enjoyed by positive, proactive, pragmatic types like me who don’t waste time whining about life’s potholes or staring behind them.

This Fall a fissure opened in the road ahead. I thought for a while that my current company held enough opportunity and longevity that I would be able to retire from here. They had other plans. So while I’m not seeking a friend for the end of the world (a cute movie), I am…

Seeking a New Opportunity

To help a good company become even better.

  • Part of a small team of zealots who drink customer value Koolaid every day
  • Responsible for an ever-improving value delivery engine
  • Little to no bureaucracy
  • Family-friendly culture
  • Creative experiments are the rule

No calls from the Borg please. I’ve done the minion thing and it fails to satisfy. Of course, had you made me 6 of 9 or 8 of 9 I might have stayed. 😉

No, I want to be involved in the realization of


If you ply the trade of a software craftsman, it’s tempting to think that you deal in code. But the bits and builds we deliver are the result of a vision. A tiny spark of an idea forms in the mind of a creative person — someone brave enough to articulate a brand new thing. Something that is not but must be. Through painstaking dialectic this apparition must be given bones and flesh and skin and fitted to a given purpose and commanded to come forth. To stand and to serve. It must be tested and hardened to withstand abrasions and abuse. To survive both ignorance and malice — the novice and the knave. All while deftly delivering the magic for which it was born: to move drudgery from human to machine.

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